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Palliative Care Breakfast
2024-05-30 @ 06:00 - 08:30
The Kalamazoo Detachment is honored to provide and serve breakfast to our veterans who are receiving palliative care at the VA Hospital in Battle Creek.
Breakfast will be served in the Day Room of Building 83/84, on the first floor, as well as in individual patient’s rooms. Volunteers need to wear a head covering (MCL ball cap cover is fine) and a mask when less than 6’ from a patient. Paper masks are provided, and there is a mandatory VA volunteer sign up sheet in the lobby of the main entrance between 83 & 84.
Due to the number of patients now eating in their rooms, we could use the help of up to 6-8 volunteers.
Anyone wishing to help, but not wanting to get up at zero dark thirty, is welcome to show up around 08:00 to help with cleanup.
Thanks & Semper Fi, Dan